ElijahForce Interview on Angels with Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

I just had the honor of being interviewed by Julie Ann Smith of Elijah Streams Ministries. What a delight! She is an amazing woman of God and we had the best time together. What was scheduled to be an hour-long show overflowed into a dynamic 90-minute conversation full of Scriptures, shared stories of angelic encounter, and a powerful time of impartation and activation.

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10 Ways to Get in Spirit by Charity Kayembe

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We want to get out of our heads and into our hearts because God does not live in our heads. Ephesians 3:17 tells us that Jesus lives in our hearts and John 7:37-39 tells us that rivers of living water—the Holy Spirit—flow from deep within. As believers, we know that our spirit is joined with Holy Spirit deep down in our innermost being (1 Cor. 6:17).

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The Angel in Shanghai by Charity Kayembe

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Over the past two years I’ve had the privilege of doing many training sessions via Zoom. This has allowed us to minister in places we could not have traveled to otherwise. Next week I’ll be sharing online with a School of Ministry in Germany, and I have taught on the sacred supernatural to Burmese groups in Myanmar, as well as Mandarin-speaking groups in China.

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Jesus Dancing - A Shared Vision by Charity Kayembe

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We often speak of God “giving us a vision,” and we mean that He supernaturally provides us with a picture of heaven or glimpse into the spiritual realm. Certainly, He can and does do this. However, I wonder if this is His ideal and original intention. That is, does Father always want us to just wait around for Him to sovereignly “open our eyes” to the sacred dimension, or does He appreciate it when we take the initiative to open our spiritual eyes and proactively look into His supernatural world?

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The Power of Visionary Intercession by Charity Kayembe

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Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science both reveal that observation causes transformation. We know that as we gaze upon Jesus we are transformed into His glorious image (2 Cor. 3:18). We have also explored how quantum physics correlates with our walk in the Spirit. We learned about the “Observer Effect” and that a simple understanding of this principle states that when we observe something, we change it. Just our very act of looking at something affects it.

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Power Portals - Stepping from One Level of Spiritual Power to the Next

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I just finished reading Joshua Mills' upcoming book, Power Portals and I found it very inspirational and helpful. We all have noted that certain people have anointings in their lives for specific tasks. These include healing the sick, creating wealth, evangelizing with power and authority, releasing divine creativity and healing a specific illness, to name a few. Each of these is the manifestation and release of a specific anointing of the Holy Spirit.

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Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer

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Let me share an amazing email I received this last week. It relates to a truth discussed in our most recent book. I have been given permission to post this wonderful testimony with the names omitted.

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